How to Get Comfortable with Visibility

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How to Get Comfortable with Visibility

Hello my beautiful women! I’m writing today from Greece and the beautiful island of Catalonia. Just another one of our stops on living my best life of financial freedom! Today I want to share with you something that is really important to many women and it’s something we all struggle with: visibility

You are the Face of Your Business

So, visibility is something that has become almost incredibly common in the world we're living in right now. Whether you have a product-based or a service-based business, it’s become almost essential that you are the face of your business and your brand. Yes, there are ways to get somebody else to stand in for you but for most of us that front-facing visibility is our job.

This, of course, encompasses so many issues for everyone from being uncomfortable on camera to being an intrusion of your personal space. And for those of us in our 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, and later, getting on video every day is really exhausting. You not only need a plan and script but you need to fix your hair and put on makeup and make sure the lighting is flattering. 

If you watch the accompanying video (below), you’ll see that I decided to just do it (remember that advice from before?). I shot this video on the spot! I didn’t fix my hair or put on much makeup. I went visible for you because I just think it's really important for all of us to acknowledge how difficult this is and to realize that so many of us feel exactly the same way. And you know what? It wasn’t so bad!

How to Overcome Fear of Being Visible

So, what do you do about it? How do you get over it? I’ve learned a few things over these past years that make the process easier and less stressful. 

#1 My best advice is to batch content. This takes a little advanced planning but you only have to do your hair and makeup once and you only need to set up your lighting and video equipment once. 

Within one day, you can easily produce five or 10 videos! What I do is come up with a list of the topics for the video. I do not write a script. I like to just do it and talk without having anything prepared.  But be sure to change your outfit for each video so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing the same thing every single day. 

#2 Just dive in! Another way to do it is just to say what the crap, this is who I am. This is how I look. This is my age. This is me. And to remember that it is your message and it is your soul and it is what's coming through your eyes. And from the inside of you. That spirit of helping and teaching will shine through your message.

middle age woman shooting a selfie

Remember the Why

While you are the face of your brand, remember why you’re doing this! You're trying to get out there to the world. Really, it’s not actually you but your service or product that you’re making visible. That’s just being channeled through you. 

And acknowledge to yourself that this is challenging, it’s scary, and it’s not easy. We are not of the “digital generation” and we didn’t grow up shooting selfies, Snaps, and TikToks every day! (I mean just imagine if we had had cellphones back in the 70s and 80s!)  Plus, when you're under 30, you look pretty good, no matter what makeup or no makeup you have on that day. 

Even if this doesn’t come naturally to us, we we can embrace this technology to help so many other women. And it’s the path to building our business and our own financial freedom. Think of what a great model that sets for the women coming behind us. I can also guarantee that it gets easier and easier every time you do it. I know personally, and I’ve heard this from my other women entrepreneur friends, getting started and making that first video is always the hardest part.

The payoff to your business, to your community, and to the people you help is worth the effort and the temporary discomfort of making yourself more visible.

That's why we have to remember what we're really doing. We're here to help. We're here to sell wonderful services, to help and sell products that help other people enjoy life, feel good, and be happy. So go and be visible.

Want more women-centered business advice from someone who’s done it herself? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter here so you’ll always get the latest news. 

Who is Leslie Kuster?

I became a 7-figure woman entrepreneur in my 50s -- with my successful Back from Bali clothing brand! It took some getting real with myself to finally say, “Damn it, I want money!” Now I am here to ignite women entrepreneurs -- like you -- to experience the empowerment, independence and joy of creating a business that brings you both money and freedom. Read more about my story here


business coach for women, women empowering women

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